Dr. Miguel Angel Vázquez

Associate Professor of Spanish; Chair, Humanities & Social Sciences

Dr. Miguel V zquez

Ph.D., Hispanic Literature, Indiana University
M.A., Arabic Literature, Indiana University
M.A., Hispanic Literature, Indiana University
B.A., Hispanic Studies, Universidad de Puerto Rico

I study the secret literature of the last Muslims in Spain. In the 16th century, they produced a number of manuscripts written in Spanish but rendered with the Arabic alphabet instead of the Latin alphabet. I am also interested in the comparative study of Spanish and Arabic literary traditions, and, in that context, I have produced Arabic to Spanish translations.

I teach all levels of language courses (Spanish and Classical Arabic); as well as courses dealing with Spanish Peninsular Literature (especially Golden Age), and team taught courses about different aspects of Muslim culture (women, death rituals, the Other, sacred spaces).

Collector of masks, boxes, and fountain pens.

Curriculum Vitae

Contact: 561-799-8654; SR 205


Dr. Vazquez's book Desde la penumbra de la fosa is available online.